No More Entries for a While

Emma is the final “recent release” I shall probably review for a while, because within two days of that viewing, all the movie theaters around me, including the one at which I worked, closed due to the coronavirus scare. Naturally, when they reopen, I will watch and review movies as before, but this section of my website is going to slow down greatly (not that it was exactly booming before).

Yes, streaming is a possibility. We’ve recently switched to a cable system that offers Netflix and other options, and if the studios show some of their normally theatrical material online and I can see it there and review it, I will certainly look into doing so. That would be very different for me, as I love the theatrical experience like no other, but the times, they are a’changin’. So perhaps I can change with them.

Another project I am going to tackle is to present a fun movie to watch as a weekly shelter-in-place option for those of us stuck at home with little to do. I’m going to start it in the next couple of days, aiming backwards to the first week of March, and carrying it on until summer, or whenever the current lockdown-ish situation ends. I’m calling it “Shelter Until Summer Sagas”, and it will make its first appearance this week (perhaps later tonight if I can keep going; I had a medical procedure today and am rather tired).

So stay safe, stay home, and turn on those TVs (don’t watch films on a small computer screen, it’ll hurt your eyes). Binge watch TV shows if you want, or must, but take a look at some old classic movies, too. You’ll be glad you did.

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