Feel-Good Films for Our Uncertain Times

As we are forced to abandon old habits and adapt to the strange new world of self-containment for the near future, many of us are bound to become bored and lean toward stir-craziness. It isn’t easy, but rest assured that this period will pass. Until it does, however, we need distraction from all the bad news and dire warnings which surround us, just to stay sane. I’m no social expert, but my own modest answer is to spend some our new down time to watch some classic feel-good movies, the kind that make one happy to be alive and to live in such a great country.

Each week, beginning retroactively from the beginning of March, for the next twelve or so weeks, roughly all of spring, I shall be choosing a selection of feel-good films and posting reviews of them for you to enjoy. These films are available on DVD and streaming services, although I cannot guarantee that they are as easy to find as I imagine they are. Each film review comes with its own alternative recommendations, too, so if you don’t care for my choice, another idea may be more palatable. The notion, of course, is to find something truly enjoyable to watch during this time of anxiety.

With each chosen title, I shall try to explain what appeals so much to me, and why I think you will enjoy it. Movies make connections to our lives in many ways, some of them very personal, so I am aware that viewers may not react the same way to my choices as I do. Yet much of the appeal of watching films communally and comparing notes is to learn why a movie connects, and why someone finds it so penetrating or meaningful. That’s what I am hoping to convey, as well as the simple joy of watching a really good, fun film. Comments are always welcome. Enjoy!

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